Friday, December 14, 2012

“In Beverly Hills, they don’t throw their garbage away – they make it into television shows.” – Woody Allen

I own two television sets. I pay an exorbitant amount each month to have all of the channels offered. I have two DVRs which record a myriad of shows for me nearly every day. I need to have the TV on while I’m trying to go to sleep and I turn it on the first thing in the morning when I wake. The problem? I can’t stand  the television shows airing these days.

With the exception of sports, most everything on TV is crap. The news, sitcoms, dramas, game shows, reality shows… oh the reality shows – all crap. There are about five shows I can watch on a regular basis and enjoy: Jeopardy!, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Comic Book Men, and Dexter. Other than that (and sports) when I watch TV I am usually mindlessly watching some crap program about nothing. And not good shows about nothing, like Seinfeld.

So why do I watch? I don’t know. As I am sitting here writing this I am trying to think about what I watched on TV last night and why I watched it… and I really can’t answer either question. The only thing I can think of is that I’m an addict. The networks are like a pusher, luring me in with small doses of great television shows until they have me hooked. Then, the barrage of bullshit programming comes and I need to watch it all. My eyes glaze over as I flip through the channels, back and forth, watching mind-numbing  programs about such things as the quest to find (blank), cute little (blank), and a mysterious (blank) where people are brought together by and unknown (blank). *fill in the blank with nearly any noun and you have a TV show that is currently on the air.*

I should start reading more. I have about five books that I am currently reading. I’ll start one, get really in to it, read about half of it, then put it down and move on to something else. It’s my personality, I guess… or maybe it’s the many years sitting in front of the TV that has shortened my attention span…? That thought just came to me as I was typing. It’s quite possible that I get bored easily because I have been conditioned to have everything happen in front of my eyes within ½ hour to an hour – depending on the program – and reading a book requires me to invest more of my time than my body/brain is used to? Makes sense, actually. My attention span has never been great. I am one of those people who likes to start projects and then never finishes them. I have these grandiose ideas… ideas that, I think, are really good and would be very well received by all… but I end up saying, “Meh… I’m bored with this.” Maybe it’s laziness, but I really think that it’s the lack of immediate satisfaction. The same type of immediate satisfaction that I could get from, say, an episode of The Office. I’m actually surprised that I haven’t given up on this blog yet… after all, it’s been four days. 

This is something I need to work on and I think going forward I am going to try to stick to things… finish what I start… see things through…

...right after I finish watching Gold Rush, Ancient Aliens, and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

My friend came over and looked at the heating unit last night. He turned it on and it worked perfectly! Of course a half hour after he left, it started blowing cold again. Who knows what’s wrong with it?

It’s Friday. It rained last night and they are calling for showers today and tomorrow as well. The Packers play the Bears this weekend… if the Packers win they win the NFC North, so fingers crossed on that one. Oh, and the wife is starting to feel better.

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