Tuesday, December 11, 2012

“Life moves pretty fast…”

Indeed it does, Ferris.

Well, a relationship with one of my oldest friends has all but died. It’s an odd feeling, losing a friend. Part of me longs for his friendship and wishes for the days of years past to return. Another part of me realizes that those years are behind us and as we grow older we also grow up… and grow apart. Lifestyles change, priorities shift, and interests alter. What’s important for him, no longer is for me. What interests me still, not so much for him. Like I said… an odd feeling.

I've seen friends come and go in the past. Maybe what makes this odd is that there was actually closure. Before I would just slowly stop hanging out with someone. Calls get returned less often… emails sent more sporadically… it’s all part of life. With this most recent friend the exchange went something like this (and I’m paraphrasing):

“Hey – I don’t really like how you’re living your life. It doesn’t mesh with my ideals.”
“Well, yours doesn’t mesh with my ideals.”
“I guess that’s that then, huh?”
“Guess so.”
“See ya.”

And that was indeed that. As strange as it sounds, it’s kind of freeing. I feel free to do my own thing… I feel like a new person. I’m not burning the book that was my life before, merely placing it on the shelf and starting a new book. The old one will always be there, collecting dust. Time to time I’m sure I’ll refer to it, and maybe even thumb through the pages once in a while, but that book is over and I got a whole library full of unread ones that I need to get to.

I also called my father-in-law a “loser with a little limp dick and no balls” recently, so that was fun. It feels good to tell people what you actually think of them. It might do everyone a little good to tell people their actual thoughts from time to time. Of course I am sure there are a lot of people (besides my aforementioned father-in-law) who would like to tell me a thing or two. Maybe I just be the honest one and everyone else keep putting on the charade.

All in all it’s been a productive week… and it’s only Tuesday. 

‘Tis the season to be merry.

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