Monday, December 17, 2012

“They say that ‘Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.’ Well I think the gun helps. If you just stood there and yelled, ‘BANG,’ I don’t think you’d kill too many people.” – Eddie Izzard

By now most everyone in the country knows about the massacre that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT last week. A despicable and vile excuse for a human being murdered 20 children and 7 adults before taking his own miserable life. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it all. Words can never express how my heart goes out to all of those affected by this tragedy.

Mike Huckabee - King Douche Bag
And then there’s Mike Huckabee. What an asshole this guy is. Here’s what he had to say following the events on Friday:

"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we've ordered God out of our schools, and communities, the military and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised ... when all hell breaks loose."

And now, on Monday, Mr. Huckabee has come out and made a follow up statement:

“I’m not suggesting by any stretch that if we had prayer in schools regularly as we once did that this wouldn’t have happened, because you can't have that kind of cause and effect. But we’ve created an atmosphere in this country where the only time you want to invoke God’s name is after the tragedy.”

His first statement is saying, “These shootings happened because of a lack of God in school.” His second comment, which he made in a back pedaling manner, is saying, “I just meant that we all need God in our lives at all times, not just when we want something.” These two comments have nothing to do with one another and I call BULLSHIT on Mike Huckabee. You meant what you said, Huck, so don’t try to cover up your asinine statements and beliefs by placating to the majority when you get called out for being the buffoon that you are.

But Mike does bring up a point - where is God in all of this? How can anyone think there is a creator who cares for humans when shit like this happens all of the time? How can people have such faith in something that clearly is non-existent and makes itself known as being non-existent on a regular basis? Faith is one thing, but blind faith is something quite different and it’s what all religious people have. 

There is no God… there is no special place that souls go when their human form dies… there are no angels or demons… and magic does not exist. Fucktards like the one in Connecticut are sick in the head, and I am sure we will learn more about him and what drove him to do such a horrendous thing in the coming days. But NEVER say that it’s because of a lack of God in school (or anywhere else, for that matter) that caused innocent little children to be murdered. Children, mind you, who were looking forward to their winter break and spending the holidays with their loved ones – probably celebrating the “birth of Jesus,” no doubt. No loving God would take away such precious lives. No loving God would allow such heinous acts to happen. And if he did allow this – why would anyone ever want to follow such a God? I certainly don’t want to be associated with anyone or anything that would support such actions or act in such a way.

Again, my heart goes out to the parents, family, and friends of those affected by the events at Sandy HookElementary School on Friday, December 14, 2012.

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